Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Visual Basic 6 / Reference / DateTime / VB6 SetTimeEx - DateTime
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    VB6 SetTimeEx - DateTime
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    Public Sub SetTimeEx(ByVal iHour As Byte,
                                           ByVal iMin As Byte,
                                           ByVal iSec As Byte,
                                           ByVal iMilli As Long,
                                           ByVal iMicro As Long,
                                           ByVal iNano As Long)

      Property Description  
        Argument iHour sets the Hours part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 23)  
        Argument iMin sets the Minutes part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 59)  
        Argument iSec sets the Seconds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 59)  
        Argument iMilli sets the Milli-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 999)  
        Argument iMicro sets the Micro-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 999)  
        Argument iNano sets the Nano-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 9)  
        Description Populates this DateTime as type time.  
        Remarks Throws: on parsing invalid values.
    Throws: if this DateTime's current type is not either zeroYear or time.