Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Java / Reference / com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20 / Java SerializationContext
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    Java SerializationContext
    In This Topic
    SerializationContext Class
    The SerializationContext class controls the way in which XML is serialized and de-serialized. It allows aspects of the validation to be changed, and the contents of the generated XML to be controlled.
    If you not explicitly create an SerializationContext object and pass it to the toXML and fromXml functions, then a static instance of a SerializationContext is used (accessible via SerializationContext.Default).
      Members Description  
        Default The default SerializationContext, used when one is not explicitly specified  
        getAdditionalRootAttributes Allows additional root elements to be specified.  
        getDefaultNamespaceURI Specifies the default namespace used in the output  
        getDtdProcessing Specifies how included DTDs will be processed. Default = DtdProcessing.PROHIBITED.  
        getIgnoreInvalidCollectionCounts Causes the parser to accept collections with the wrong number of elements in them. Default = false.  
        getIgnoreMissingChoice Causes the parser to ignore empty choices (ones that should contain a valid element). Default = false.  
        getIgnoreMissingMandatoryElements Causes the parser to ignore mandatory elements that are missing in the XML document. Default = false.  
        getIgnoreNamespaces Causes the parser to accept items with the wrong namespace. Default = false.  
        getIgnoreUnknownAttributes Cause the parser to ignore attributes that are not present in the schema. Default = false.  
        getIgnoreUnknownElements Cause the parser to ignore elements that are not present in the schema. Default = false.  
        getInLineSchema Allows a root level schema to be specified.  
        getJsonContext Allow JSON specific items to be set.  
        getNamespaceAliases A collection of name value pairs, containing a namespace URI and namespace Alias.  
        getNoOptionalAttributeDefaultOutput Causes the writer to omit optional attribute default values from output XML document. Default = false.  
        getProcessingInstructions Allows processing instructions to be added to the XML document  
        getStripCDATA Determines if CDATA is removed from incoming data. Default = true.  
        getWriteDefaultElementValues Causes the writer to write default element values into the output XML document. Default = false.  
        getWriteDefaultNamespaceEvenIfBlank Causes the writer to write the default namespace even if it is an empty value. Default = false.  
        getWriteTypeAttribute Determines if xs:type attribute is written out for derived elements. Default = true.  