objectsThe LtXmlLib20 provides common functionality & common base classes to all Liquid Technologies Xml wrapper classes. This allows objects from different libraries to interact with each other.
Class | Description | |||
Attribute | Holds information about un-typed attributes (ie ones not described in the schema) | |||
AttributeCol | A collection of Attribute object | |||
Base64BinaryCol | A collection of BinaryData classes | |||
BooleanCol | A collection of boolean's | |||
BinaryData | Holds binary information, that can be embedded in some XML documents | |||
DateTime | A class to represent the W3C's version of a date time | |||
DateCol | A collection of DateTime objects | |||
DateTimeSpan | A class to represent the W3C's version of a date time span | |||
DatetimeCol | A collection of DateTime objects | |||
DayCol | A collection of DateTime objects | |||
DurationCol | A collection of DateTimeSpan objects | |||
Element | Holds information about un-typed elements (ie ones not described in the schema) | |||
ElementCol | A collection of Element objects | |||
HexBinaryCol | A collection of BinaryData classes | |||
I1Col | A collection of Byte | |||
I2Col | A collection of Short's | |||
I4Col | A collection of Integer's | |||
I8Col | A collection of Long's | |||
LtException | The base class for all exceptions thrown | |||
LtInvalidNamespaceException | Thrown when an attribute or element has an invalid namespace | |||
LtInvalidParamException | Thrown when the input parameter to a method is invalid | |||
LtInvalidStateException | Thrown when the state of the XML Document is invalid | |||
LtInvalidValueException | Thrown when a value is invalid in the given context | |||
MonthCol | A collection of DateTime objects | |||
MonthDayCol | A collection of DateTime objects | |||
R4Col | A collection of float's | |||
R8Col | A collection of Double's | |||
StringCol | A collection of String's | |||
TimeCol | A collection of DateTime objects | |||
Ui1Col | A collection of Short's | |||
Ui2Col | A collection of Integer's | |||
Ui4Col | A collection of Long's | |||
Ui8Col | A collection of Long's | |||
XmlCollectionBase | The base class for all collection classes | |||
XmlObjectBase | The base class for all wrapper objects | |||
XmlObjectInterface | The base interface for all wrapper objects | |||
XmlTextWriter | A class that enables XML documents to be constructed. | |||
YearCol | A collection of DateTime objects | |||
YearMonthCol | A collection of DateTime objects |