Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Java / Reference / com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20 / Java Element
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    Java Element
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    LTXmlLib.Element Class
    Allows untyped elements (data not described in the schema) to be constructed and manipulated. Some schemas allow the insertion of arbitrary pieces of XML. This object allows these to be described.
    Base Classes: XmlObjectBase
    Implemented interfaces:
      Members Description  
        clone (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Creates a 'deep' copy of the object  
        Element Constructor  
        fromXml (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Reads data into the object, from an XML string  
        fromXmlFile (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Reads XML data the object, from a file  
        fromXmlElement (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Reads data into the object, from a pre-parsed XML Document.  
        getAttributes Gets a collection containing all this element's attributes  
        getBase (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Gets the XmlObjectBase that all XML objects must derive from.  
        getChildElements Gets a collection containing all this element's child elements  
        getName Gets the name of this attribute  
        getNamespace Gets the namespace that this attribute is a part of  
        getTargetNamespace (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Gets the target namespace for the current XML document  
        getText Gets the text for the element  
        noBanner (inherited from XmlObjectBase) (static) Allows the Liquid comment in the output XML to be removed.  
        onEvent (inherited from XmlObjectBase) Internal signaling mechanism (Internal Use only).  
        setName Sets the name of this attribute  
        setNamespace Sets the namespace that this attribute is a part of  
        setText Sets the text for the element  
        toXml (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Turns the object into an XML string  
        toXmlFile (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Turns the object into XML, and writes it to a file  
        toXmlStream (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Turns the object into a XML (as a byte array)