Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Java / Reference / com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20 / Java ElementCol
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    Java ElementCol
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    LTXmlLib.ElementCol Class
    A collection of Element objects.

    Base Classes: XmlCollectionBase
    Implemented interfaces:
      Members Description  
        add Adds an Item to the collection  
        addEventListener (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) Includes the class in the list of objects that will be notified when the collection changes (Internal Use only).  
        ElementCol Constructor  
        clear (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) Removes all items from the collection  
        clone (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Creates a 'deep' copy of the object  
        count (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) The number of items in the collection  
        fromXml (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Reads data into the object, from an XML string  
        fromXmlFile (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Reads XML data the object, from a file  
        fromXmlElement (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Reads data into the object, from a pre-parsed XML Document.  
        get (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) Gets an item from the collection at a given index  
        getBase (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Gets the XmlObjectBase that all XML objects must derive from.  
        getIterator (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) Gets an iterator that allows the class to be enumerated  
        getTargetNamespace (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Gets the target namespace for the current XML document  
        getItem Gets an item from the collection  
        noBanner (inherited from XmlObjectBase) (static) Allows the Liquid comment in the output XML to be removed.  
        onEvent (inherited from XmlObjectBase) Internal signaling mechanism (Internal Use only).  
        remove (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) Removes a given item from the collection  
        removeEventListener (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) Remvoes the class in the list of objects that will be notified when the collection changes (Internal Use only).  
        toXml (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Turns the object into an XML string  
        toXmlFile (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Turns the object into XML, and writes it to a file  
        toXmlStream (inherited from XmlObjectInterface) Turns the object into a XML (as a byte array)  
        validateCount (inherited from XmlCollectionBase) Validates the number of items in the collection. Throws an exception if its invalid.