Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Java / Reference / com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20 / DateTime / Java getCalendar - DateTime
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    Java getCalendar - DateTime
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    public GregorianCalendar getCalendar(boolean useTimeZone)
      Property Description  
        Argument useTimeZone Set true if the GregorianCalendar TimeZone should be set  
        Returns GregorianCalendar newly created object  
        Description Converts the DateTime object to a java.util.GregorianCalendar object  
        Remarks Converts this DateTime to a GregorianCalendar object. If the Year is 0 then the GregorianCalendar is 1BC, if the year is negative, then the GregorianCalendar year is year - 1 BC (e.g. -1 = 2BC).