Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Visual Basic 6 / Reference / VB6 LtXmlComLib20.DateTime
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    VB6 LtXmlComLib20.DateTime
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    DateTime Class
    A class to a represent a date/time as defined by the XML w3c

    Base Classes:
    Implemented interfaces:

    Date and Time manipulation class provided as part of the Liquid XML Data Binding Runtime.

    Supports the W3C XML Schema specification subset of the ISO 8601 standard.
    The date uses the proleptic Gregorian calendar, this means that dates previous to the invent
    of the Gregorian calendar are still held as Gregorian dates.

    The Minimum Date represents -9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999
    The Maximum Date represents 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999

    NOTE: DateTime uses the XML Schema formula for proleptic Gregorian calendar where year 0 is illegal and -4 (4BC) as a leap year.

    The Type of value held in the DateTime will differ depending on the way the DateTime is constructed. The Type
    value is immutable and is taken from the XML Schema subset of the ISO 8601 standard as follows:

    dateTime (DTType_dateTime) comprises [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ff][[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    date (DTType_date) comprises [-]CCYY-MM-DD[[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    gDay (DTType_gDay) comprises ---DD[[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    gMonth (DTType_gMonth) comprises --MM[[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    gYear (DTType_gYear) comprises [-]CCYY[[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    gMonthDay (DTType_gMonthDay) comprises --MM-DD[[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    gYearMonth (DTType_gYearMonth) comprises [-]CCYY-MM[[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    time (DTType_time) comprises hh:mm:ss[.ff][[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]

    The parts in [...] are optional, everything else is mandatory where:

    '+', '-', ':', '.', 'T' and 'Z' = literal values
    CCYY = Year (-9999 <= CCYY <= 9999 && CCYY != 0000)
    MM = Month (01 <= MM <= 12)
    DD = Day (01 <= DD <= DaysInMonth)
    hh = Hour (00 <= hh <= 23)
    mm = Minute (00 <= mm <= 59)
    ss = Second (00 <= ss <= 59)
    ff = Fraction of Second (0 <= ff <= 999999999)

      Members Description  
        AddDateTimeSpan Adds an DataTimeSpan to this DateTime  
        Clear Empties the DateTime object - reseting it to year 0  
        Clone returns a copy of the object  
        CompareTo Compares this date with another DateTime  
        dateType Gets the type of date represented in the object (gYear, datetime, time etc)  
        Day Gets/Sets the Day part of the time  
        DayOfWeek Gets the Day of the Week  
        DayOfYear Gets the Day of the Year  
        Equals Compares this date with another DateTime  
        HasTimeZone Returns true if the TimeZone part of the DateTime is been used.  
        Hour Get/Sets the Hour part of the time  
        Init Initialises the DateTime object, defining what type of information it holds (gYear, datetime, time etc)  
        IsDayValid Indicates if the Day is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        IsHourValid Indicates if the Hour is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        IsMilliSecondValid Indicates if the MilliSecond is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        IsMinuteValid Indicates if the Minute is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        IsMonthValid Indicates if the Month is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        IsNanoSecondValid Indicates if the Nano Second is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        IsSecondValid Indicates if the Second is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        IsUTC Returns true if the UTC part of the DateTime is been used.  
        IsYearValid Indicates if the Year is valid (given the type of the DateTime)  
        MicroSecond Get/Sets the Micro-Second (10^-6) part of the time  
        MilliSecond Get/Sets the Milli-Second (10^-3) part of the time  
        Minute Get/Sets the Minute part of the time  
        Month Get/Sets the Month part of the date. Jan = 1  
        NanoSecond Get/Sets the Nano-Second (10^-9) part of the time  
        ParseXSDDate Populates this DateTime with the value specified as a valid XML Schema date, gDay, gMonth, gYear, gMonthDay or gYearMonth.  
        ParseXSDDateTime Populates this DateTime with the value specified as a valid XML Schema dateTime.  
        ParseXSDTime Populates this DateTime with the value specified as a valid XML Schema time.  
        RealSecond Get/Sets the Second part of the time as a real number including Fraction parts.  
        Second Get/Sets the Second part of the time  
        SetDate Populates this DateTime as type date.  
        SetDateTime Populates this DateTime as type dateTime.  
        SetDateTimeEx Populates this DateTime as type dateTime.  
        SetDateTimeWithType Populates this DateTime as a given type (gYear, datetime, time etc).  
        SetFracTime Populates this DateTime as type time.  
        SetFromDateTime Populates this DateTime class from a VB Date.  
        SetGDay Populates this DateTime as type gDay.  
        SetGMonthDay Populates this DateTime as type gMonthDay  
        SetGYearMonth Populates this DateTime as type gYearMonth.  
        SetGYear Populates this DateTime as type gYear.  
        SetTime Populates this DateTime as type time.  
        SetTimeEx Populates this DateTime as type time.  
        SetTimeZone Specifies the TimeZone for this DateTime to use.  
        SetUTC Specifies this DateTime is UTC.  
        SubDateTimeSpan Subracts a date time span from this DateTime.  
        ToString Returns a string representation of this DateTime.  
        Validate Validates that the DateTime is in a valid state  
        VBDate Gets the current dateTime as a VB Date  
        Year The Year part of the DateTime  
        ZoneHour Gets the Hour part of the time zone.  
        ZoneMinute Gets the Minute part of the time