Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Visual Basic 6 / Reference / DateTime / VB6 CompareTo - DateTime
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    VB6 CompareTo - DateTime
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    Public Function CompareTo(ByVal rhs As DateTime) As DTCompareResult

    Public Enum DTCompareResult
    End Enum

      Property Description  
        Argument - rhs The DateTime to compare with  

    Using the following example

    Dim dtFuture as new LtXmlComLib20.DateTime
    Dim dtPast as new LtXmlComLib20.DateTime
    Dim dtRes as DTCompareResult

    dtRes = dtFuture.CompareTo(dtPast)

    DTCompareResult_equal - if the dtFuture was the same as dtPast
    DTCompareResult_lessThan - if the dtFuture was before dtPast
    DTCompareResult_greaterThan - if the dtFuture was after dtPast
    DTCompareResult_indeterminate - if the dtFuture of different type to dtPast

        Description Compares this DateTime with another DateTime.  
        Remarks Time zones are normalized out before the comparision.