Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / C++ / Reference / CSmartPtr / C++ operator-> - CSmartPtr
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    C++ operator-> - CSmartPtr
    In This Topic
    T* operator->()
    const T* operator->() const
      Property Description  
        Method Name Dereference operator  
        Returns A pointer to the underlying object wrapped by the smart pointer  
        Description Allows access to the underlying object  
        Example try
        // create an instance of the class to load the XML file into
        ElmSequence::CElmSequencePtr spElm = ElmSequence::CElmSequence::CreateInstance();
        ElmSequence::CBasicElementPtr spBasElm = ElmSequence::CBasicElement::CreateInstance();

        spElm->GetBasicElement()->SetStringElm(_T("Test Data"));
    catch (CLtException& e)
        // Note : exceptions are likely to contain inner exceptions
        // that provide further detail about the error, GetFullMessage
        // concatenates the messages from them all.
        _tprintf(_T("Error - %s\n"), e.GetFullMessage().c_str());