Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / Java / Reference / com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20 / DateTime / Java parseXSDDateTime - DateTime
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    Java parseXSDDateTime - DateTime
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    public void parseXSDDateTime(String xsdDateTime)
        throws LtInvalidValueException
      Property Description  
        Argument xsdDateTime valid XML Schema dateTime  
        Description Populates this DateTime with the value specified as a valid XML Schema dateTime.  
        Remarks A valid dateTime is a subset of the ISO 8601 standard comprising [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ff][[Z]|[[+|-]hh:mm]]
    where the parts in [...] are optional.
    If only the Date part is provided parseXSDDate should be used, if only the Time part is
    provided parseXSDTime should be used
    Throws: LtInvalidValueException thrown on parsing invalid values.
    See: parseXSDDate(String)
    See: parseXSDTime(String)