Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / C# and VB .Net (Deprecated - use Liquid XML Objects) / Reference / XmlDateTime / Liquid XML Runtime for .Net - SetDateTime - XmlDateTime
In This Topic
    Liquid XML Runtime for .Net - SetDateTime - XmlDateTime
    In This Topic
    This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects.
    (The original functionality is still included in the product)
    Use Liquid XML Objects
    void SetDateTime(XmlDateTime xmldt)
    This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects.
    (The original functionality is still included in the product)
    Use Liquid XML Objects
    void SetDateTime(System.DateTime dt)
    This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects.
    (The original functionality is still included in the product)
    Use Liquid XML Objects
    void SetDateTime(short year, byte month, byte day, byte hour, byte minute, byte second)
    This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects.
    (The original functionality is still included in the product)
    Use Liquid XML Objects
    void SetDateTime(short year, byte month, byte day, byte hour, byte minute, byte second, short milli, short micro, short nano)
      Property Description  
        Argument xmldt Copies the XmlDateTime held in xmldt  
        Argument dt Copies the date time stored in dt. The resulting XmlDateTime is of type 'datetime'  
        Argument year sets the Year part of the date. (Valid Range -9999 to 9999)  
        Argument month sets the Month part of the date. Jan = 1, Feb = 2 etc. (Valid Range = 1 to 12)  
        Argument day sets the Day part of the date. (Valid Range = 1 to days in month)  
        Argument hour sets the Hours part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 23)  
        Argument minute sets the Minutes part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 59)  
        Argument second sets the Seconds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 59)  
        Argument milli sets the Milli-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 999)  
        Argument micro sets the Micro-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 999)  
        Argument nano sets the Nano-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 9)  
        Description Populates this CDateTime as type dateTime.  
        Remarks This method is overloaded allowing different values to be set.
    Any values that are not provided are set to 0.
    NOTE: XmlDateTime uses the XML Schema formula for proleptic Gregorian calendar where year 0 is illegal and -4 (4BC) as a leap year.

    Throws: LtInvalidValueException thrown on parsing invalid values.
    Throws: LtInvalidStateException thrown if this DateTimes current type is not either zeroYear or dateTime.