This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects. (The original functionality is still included in the product) |
Use Liquid XML Objects |
This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects. (The original functionality is still included in the product) |
Use Liquid XML Objects |
This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects. (The original functionality is still included in the product) |
Use Liquid XML Objects |
This feature has been superseded by Liquid XML Objects. (The original functionality is still included in the product) |
Use Liquid XML Objects |
Property | Description | |||
Argument xmldt | Copies the XmlDateTime held in xmldt | |||
Argument dt | Copies the date time stored in dt. The resulting XmlDateTime is of type 'datetime' | |||
Argument year | sets the Year part of the date. (Valid Range -9999 to 9999) | |||
Argument month | sets the Month part of the date. Jan = 1, Feb = 2 etc. (Valid Range = 1 to 12) | |||
Argument day | sets the Day part of the date. (Valid Range = 1 to days in month) | |||
Argument hour | sets the Hours part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 23) | |||
Argument minute | sets the Minutes part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 59) | |||
Argument second | sets the Seconds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 59) | |||
Argument milli | sets the Milli-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 999) | |||
Argument micro | sets the Micro-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 999) | |||
Argument nano | sets the Nano-Seocnds part of the date. (Valid Range = 0 to 9) | |||
Description | Populates this CDateTime as type dateTime. | |||
Remarks | This method is overloaded allowing different values to be set. Any values that are not provided are set to 0. NOTE: XmlDateTime uses the XML Schema formula for proleptic Gregorian calendar where year 0 is illegal and -4 (4BC) as a leap year. Throws: LtInvalidValueException thrown on parsing invalid values. Throws: LtInvalidStateException thrown if this DateTimes current type is not either zeroYear or dateTime. |