Liquid XML Data Binder (C++, Java, VB6) / Reference / C++ / Reference / C++ CXmlCollectionBase
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    C++ CXmlCollectionBase
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    LtXmlLib20::CXmlCollectionBase Class
    The base class for all collections of XML entities. All collection classes in external libraries will derived from this base class.
    (Abstract - can not instantiate directly)
    Base Classes: CXmlObjectBase
      Members Description  
        AddEventListener Adds an event listener, which can sink collection change notifications  
        AddRef (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Adds a reference to the object  
        Append Appends an object to the end of the collection  
        Clear Removes all items from the collection  
        GetBase (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Gets the base class.  
        GetCount The number of items in the collection  
        FromXml (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Reads data into the object, from an XML string  
        FromXmlFile (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Reads XML data the object, from a file  
        Release (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Release a reference to the object (deletes the object if it is the last reference)  
        Remove Removes a given item from the collection  
        RemoveEventListener Removes an event listener (previously added with AddEventListener)  
        ToXml (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Turns the collection into an XML string (may not be valid on collections)  
        ToXmlFile (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Turns the collection into XML and writes it to a file (may not be valid on collections)  
        ToXmlStream (inherited from CXmlObjectBase) Turns the object into XML, and writes it to a CBinaryData  
        ValidateCount Validates the number of items in the collection. Throws an exception if it's invalid.