Liquid Studio Documentation
Data Mapping / Output Components
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    Output Components
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    Data Mapping transforms are run from an output component. All the connections to the output component are then queried, which causes data be drawn from other components, this is done recursively until the output component is constructed, execution then halts.

    If a component contains multiple output component then each one is effectively treated as a separate transforms and executed sequentially. The order in which they are executed is determined by the property "Execution Order", the lowest being executed first (if 2 output components have the same "Execution Order" then the order in which they are executed is arbitory.'

    Only output components with nothing connected to there outputs are executed, so if the data from an XML Writer is written out using a WriteFile, then the WriteFile is executed and the XML Writer will be processed as part of that execution.

    The following are output components

    Component Notes
    Database Target
    EDI Target Unless it has a connector to its Data output
    JSON Target Unless it has a connector to its Data output
    Text File Target Unless it has a connector to its Data output
    Xml Target File Unless it has a connector to its Data output
    Web Service Unless it has a connector to its Output Connection Points