Liquid Studio Documentation
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    XQuery Debugger Overview
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    The XQuery Editor and integrated debugger allows XQuery 1.0 documents to be written validated, and debugged.

    The debugger supports step by step debugging, breakpoints, and shows local variables, watch expressions and current call stack.

    The debugger toolbar and keyboard shortcuts make it quick and easy to step through your XSLT stylesheet.


    Liquid XML Studio XQuery Debugger

    Liquid XML Studio currently supports 1 XQuery Engine.

    Saxon XQuery 1.0 Engine

    Source Saxonica
    Version Saxon HE
    Supported Version XSLT 1.0 & 2.0
    Execute Transform Yes
    Debug Transform Yes

    The XQuery expression can be executed or debugged using the Saxon XQuery 1.0 engine.

    When debugging the current line of execution is highlighted, break points can be set within the project, watch windows show user defined variables, the call stack can be viewed and variables local to the stack frame can be examined. 

    See Also