Liquid Studio Documentation
XSD Editor / Graphical Notation Overview / Include
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    Graphical Representation


    The <xs:include> element causes the definitions from an external schema to be included into the current schema. Once included these definitions can be used within the containing schema.


    An <xs:import> can be added to a <xs:schema> by selecting schema object in the diagram and using the menu Edit->Import/Include Wizard  


    Id - A user defined ID to uniquely identify the entity within the schema
    Schema Location - The location of the schema to include, can be a URL or relative path from this schema file.


    The following XSD code

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

    <!-- Created with Liquid XML Studio ( -->

    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="">

    <xs:include schemaLocation="CommonTypes.xsd" />



    Will be represented like this

     Inline Properties

    Properties that apply to a type are shown inline at the bottom of the items container.

    Values that are inherited from the base types are shown in brackets, values specifically set against the item are shown without brackets.

    If a facet is not valid for a given type (typically because of its data type), then its value is shown in red.

    Inline properties can be disabled in the Options.