An <any> can be added to a compositor or group object. This can be done using the right click context menu on any of these entities.
Min Occurs | The minimum number of times the elements described in the <all> must appear in the XML Document (default 1). |
Max Occurs | The maximum number of times the elements described in the <all> can appear in the XML Document (default 1). |
Id | A user defined ID to uniquely identify the entity within the schema |
Namespace | allows you to specify that the undefined element must belong to the a given namespace. This may be a list of namespace's (space separated). There are also 3 built in values ##any, ##other, ##targetnamespace, ##local. Consult the XSD standard for more information on this. |
Process Contents |
Options are
The following XSD code
<xs:element name="MessageBody">
<xs:any />
Will be represented like this
Sample XML would look like this
Properties that apply to a type are shown inline at the bottom of the items container.
Values that are inherited from the base types are shown in brackets, values specifically set against the item are shown without brackets.
If a facet is not valid for a given type (typically because of its data type), then its value is shown in red.