Liquid Studio Documentation
User Interface Guide / Options / Environment / Performance
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    Turn off Document Outlining for files larger than

    In order to provide outlining the language parser needs to parse the entire file, in large files this can cause performance issues. So the outlining is automatically turned off when a file is opened that is larger than the threshold set.

    Turn off Syntax highlighting/intellisnese for files larger than

    In order to provide intellisense the language parser needs to start at the top of the file and work down to the current location, in large files this can cause performance issues. So the syntax highlighting is automatically turned off when a file is opened that is larger than the threshold set.

    Open documents in large file editor if : The file is larger than

    The normal text editor requires that the entire document be loaded into memory. This can cause memory and performance issues when loading very large files, in order to work around this it is possible to open very large documents in the Large File Editor, this has no limit on the size of the files it can open and opens them instantly.

    Open documents in large file editor if : A single line is longer than

    In order to provide syntax highlighting and other high level text editor functionality the editor operates on the file in terms of text lines, this is normally an optimal way of dealing with a document, but occasionally a document list loaded that contains very long lines (typically an XML document with no indenting, this could be MB's of data on a single line). If the normal text editor was to load a file like this then performance would be an issue.

    The large file editor however has no such issues, so if the document contains a single line of text which is longer than this threshold then it is opened using the large file editor.

    Wrap lines longer than

    When a file is open in the large file editor, if a line exceeds this number of characters then it is wrapped.

    The ↓ character indicates that the line has been wrapped. 


    In order to operate and edit files that are potentially Terabytes in length the large file editor has to make some compromises so the editor is more basic and has a few quirks.

    Please read the Large File Editor section before editing files.