In This Topic
    In This Topic
    package MusicStoreLib;
     * Copyright (c) 2001-2023 Liquid Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.
     * See for product details.
     * Please see products End User License Agreement for distribution permissions.
     * Changes made outside of ##HAND_CODED_BLOCK_START blocks will be overwritten
     * Generation  :  by Liquid XML Data Binder
     * Using Schema: MusicStore.xsd
    public final class ClassFactory {
        private static java.util.Map<String, java.util.Map<String, Class<? extends com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase>>> _nsMap = null;
        static {
            _nsMap = new java.util.HashMap<String, java.util.Map<String, Class<? extends com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase>>>();
            java.util.Map<String, Class<? extends com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase>> itemMap = null;
            itemMap = new java.util.HashMap<String, Class<? extends com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase>>();
            itemMap.put("AlbumType", MusicStoreLib.AlbumType.class);
            itemMap.put("Error", MusicStoreLib.Error.class);
            itemMap.put("PriceFilter", MusicStoreLib.PriceFilter.class);
            itemMap.put("Result", MusicStoreLib.Result.class);
            itemMap.put("SearchRequest", MusicStoreLib.SearchRequest.class);
            itemMap.put("SearchResponse", MusicStoreLib.SearchResponse.class);
            itemMap.put("TrackType", MusicStoreLib.TrackType.class);
            _nsMap.put("", itemMap);
         *  Creates an object from XML data held in a string.
         *  @param  xmlIn       The data to be loaded
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXml(String xmlIn)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            return fromXml( xmlIn, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext.Default );
         *  Creates an object from XML data held in a string.
         *  @param  xmlIn       The data to be loaded
         *  @param  context     The context to use when loading the data
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXml(String xmlIn, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext context)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlDocument parser = new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlDocument();
            parser.parse(new, context);
            return fromXmlElement(parser.getDocumentElement(), context);
         *  Creates an object from XML data held in a File
         *  @param  FileName    The file to be loaded
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXmlFile(String FileName)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            return fromXmlFile(FileName, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext.Default);
         *  Creates an object from XML data held in a File
         *  @param  FileName    The file to be loaded
         *  @param  context     The context to use when loading the data
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXmlFile(String FileName, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext context)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlDocument parser = new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlDocument();
            parser.parse(FileName, context);
            return fromXmlElement(parser.getDocumentElement(), context);
         *  Creates an object from XML data held in a stream.
         *  @param  stream      The data to be loaded
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXmlStream(byte[] data)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            return fromXmlStream(data, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext.Default);
         *  Creates an object from XML data held in a stream.
         *  @param  stream      The data to be loaded
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXmlStream(byte[] data, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext context)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlDocument parser = new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlDocument();
   baStream = new;
            parser.parse(baStream, context);
            return fromXmlElement(parser.getDocumentElement(), context);
         *  Creates an object from an XML Element.
         *  @param  xmlParent   The data that needs loading
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXmlElement(com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlElement xmlParent)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            return fromXmlElement(xmlParent, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext.Default);
         *  Creates an object from an XML Element.
         *  @param  xmlParent   The data that needs loading
         *  @param  context     The context to use when loading the data
         *  @return             The wrapper object, loaded with the supplied data
         *  @throws LtException Throws an exception if the XML data is not compatible with the schema</remarks>
         *  @throws IOException
        public static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase fromXmlElement(com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.dom.XmlElement xmlParent, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.SerializationContext context)
            throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException, {
            com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase retVal = null;
            String elementName;
            String elementNamespaceUri;
            // Get the type name this is either 
            // from the element i.e. <Parent>... = Parent
            // or from the type i.e. <Parent xsi:type="someNS:SomeElement">... = SomeElement
            elementName = com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ClassFactoryHelper.getElementType(xmlParent);
            if (elementName.length() == 0) {
                elementName = xmlParent.getLocalName();
                elementNamespaceUri = xmlParent.getNamespaceURI();
            } else {
                elementNamespaceUri = com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ClassFactoryHelper.getElementTypeNamespaceUri(xmlParent);
            // create the appropriate object
            retVal = com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ClassFactoryHelper.createObject(_nsMap, elementName, elementNamespaceUri, context);
            if (retVal == null) {
                throw new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException("Failed load the element " + elementName + ":" + elementNamespaceUri + ". No appropriate class exists to load the data into. Ensure that the XML document complies with the schema.");
            // load the data into the object
            retVal.fromXmlElement(xmlParent, context);
            return retVal;