package MusicStoreLib;
public class AlbumType extends com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlGeneratedClass {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 13L;
// <summary>
// Constructor for AlbumType
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// The class is created with all the mandatory fields populated with the
// default data.
// All Collection object are created.
// However any 1-n relationships (these are represented as collections) are
// empty. To comply with the schema these must be populated before the xml
// obtained from ToXml is valid against the schema MusicStore.xsd
// </remarks>
public AlbumType() {
public AlbumType(String elementName) {
// <summary>
// Initializes the class
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// This creates all the mandatory fields (populated with the default data)
// All Collection object are created.
// However any 1-n relationships (these are represented as collections) are
// empty. To comply with the schema these must be populated before the xml
// obtained from ToXml is valid against the schema MusicStore.xsd.
// </remarks>
protected void init() {
try {
MusicStoreLib.Registration.iRegistrationIndicator = 0;
_label = "";
_rRP = 0;
_isValidRRP = false;
_productCode = "";
_albumName = "";
_artistName = "";
_track = new MusicStoreLib.XmlObjectCollection<MusicStoreLib.TrackType>("Track", "", 1, -1, false, MusicStoreLib.TrackType.class);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InternalError();
// <summary>
// Allows the class to be copied
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// Performs a 'deep copy' of all the data in the class (and its children)
// </remarks>
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
try {
MusicStoreLib.AlbumType newObject = (MusicStoreLib.AlbumType)super.clone();
newObject._label = _label;
if (_isValidRRP)
newObject._rRP = _rRP;
newObject._isValidRRP = _isValidRRP;
newObject._productCode = _productCode;
newObject._albumName = _albumName;
newObject._artistName = _artistName;
for(int i=0; i<_track.size(); i++)
return newObject;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
public String getTargetNamespace() {
return "";
// <summary>
// Represents a mandatory Attribute in the XML document
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// This property is represented as an Attribute in the XML.
// It is mandatory and therefore must be populated within the XML.
// It is defaulted to "".
// </remarks>
public java.lang.String getLabel() throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
return _label;
public void setLabel(java.lang.String value) throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
value = com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceUtils.preserve(value);
_label = value;
protected java.lang.String _label;
// <summary>
// Represents an optional Attribute in the XML document
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// This property is represented as an Attribute in the XML.
// It is optional, initially it is not valid.
// </remarks>
public double getRRP() throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
if (_isValidRRP == false)
throw new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtInvalidStateException("The Property RRP is not valid. Set RRPValid = true");
return _rRP;
public void setRRP(double value) throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
_isValidRRP = true;
_rRP = value;
// <summary>
// Indicates if RRP contains a valid value.
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// true if the value for RRP is valid, false if not.
// If this is set to true then the property is considered valid, and assigned its
// default value (0).
// If its set to false then its made invalid, and subsequent calls to get RRP
// will raise an exception.
// </remarks>
public boolean isValidRRP() {
return _isValidRRP;
public void setValidRRP(boolean value) throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
if (value != _isValidRRP) {
_rRP = 0;
_isValidRRP = value;
protected boolean _isValidRRP;
protected double _rRP;
// <summary>
// Represents a mandatory Attribute in the XML document
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// This property is represented as an Attribute in the XML.
// It is mandatory and therefore must be populated within the XML.
// It is defaulted to "".
// </remarks>
public java.lang.String getProductCode() throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
return _productCode;
public void setProductCode(java.lang.String value) throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
value = com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceUtils.preserve(value);
_productCode = value;
protected java.lang.String _productCode;
// <summary>
// Represents a mandatory Element in the XML document
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// This property is represented as an Element in the XML.
// It is mandatory and therefore must be populated within the XML.
// It is defaulted to "".
// </remarks>
public java.lang.String getAlbumName() throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
return _albumName;
public void setAlbumName(java.lang.String value) throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
value = com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceUtils.preserve(value);
_albumName = value;
protected java.lang.String _albumName;
// <summary>
// Represents a mandatory Element in the XML document
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// This property is represented as an Element in the XML.
// It is mandatory and therefore must be populated within the XML.
// It is defaulted to "".
// </remarks>
public java.lang.String getArtistName() throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
return _artistName;
public void setArtistName(java.lang.String value) throws com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.exceptions.LtException {
value = com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceUtils.preserve(value);
_artistName = value;
protected java.lang.String _artistName;
// <summary>
// A collection of Tracks
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// This property is represented as an Element in the XML.
// This collection may contain 1 to Many objects.
// </remarks>
public MusicStoreLib.XmlObjectCollection<MusicStoreLib.TrackType> getTrack() {
return _track;
protected MusicStoreLib.XmlObjectCollection<MusicStoreLib.TrackType> _track;
public String getNamespace() {
return "";
public com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase getBase() {
return this;
protected void onEvent(com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase msgSource, int msgType, Object data) {
if (msgType == CollectionChangeEvent) {
private static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ParentElementInfo __parentElementInfo = null;
private static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ElementInfo[] __elementInfo = null;
private static com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.AttributeInfo[] __attributeInfo = null;
protected com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ParentElementInfo getClassInfo() throws Exception {
if (__parentElementInfo == null) {
__parentElementInfo = new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ParentElementInfo(
com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase.XmlElementType.ELEMENT, "AlbumType", "", true, false,
null, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.Conversions.ConversionType.TYPE_NONE, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceRule.NONE, null, false);
return __parentElementInfo;
protected com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ElementInfo[] getClassElementInfo() throws Exception {
if (__elementInfo == null) {
__elementInfo = new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.ElementInfo[] {
new"AlbumName", "", findGetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "getAlbumName"), findSetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "setAlbumName", "java.lang.String"), null, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.Conversions.ConversionType.TYPE_STRING, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceRule.PRESERVE, new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.PrimitiveRestrictions("", -1, -1, "", "", "", "", -1, -1, -1), null)
,new"ArtistName", "", findGetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "getArtistName"), findSetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "setArtistName", "java.lang.String"), null, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.Conversions.ConversionType.TYPE_STRING, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceRule.PRESERVE, new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.PrimitiveRestrictions("", -1, -1, "", "", "", "", -1, -1, -1), null)
,new"Track", "", findGetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "getTrack"), com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.XmlObjectBase.XmlElementType.ELEMENT)
return __elementInfo;
protected com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.AttributeInfo[] getClassAttributeInfo() throws Exception {
if (__attributeInfo==null) {
__attributeInfo = new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.AttributeInfo[] {
new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.AttributeInfoPrimitive("Label", "", findGetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "getLabel"), findSetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "setLabel", "java.lang.String"), com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.Conversions.ConversionType.TYPE_STRING, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceRule.PRESERVE, new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.PrimitiveRestrictions("", -1, -1, "", "", "", "", -1, -1, -1), null)
,new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.AttributeInfoPrimitive("RRP", "", findGetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "getRRP"), findSetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "setRRP", "double"), findGetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "isValidRRP"), com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.Conversions.ConversionType.TYPE_R8, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceRule.COLLAPSE, new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.PrimitiveRestrictions("", -1, -1, "", "", "", "", -1, -1, -1), null)
,new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.AttributeInfoPrimitive("ProductCode", "", findGetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "getProductCode"), findSetterMethod("MusicStoreLib.AlbumType", "setProductCode", "java.lang.String"), com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.Conversions.ConversionType.TYPE_STRING, null, com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.WhitespaceRule.PRESERVE, new com.liquid_technologies.ltxmllib20.PrimitiveRestrictions("", -1, -1, "", "", "", "", 15, -1, -1), null)
return __attributeInfo;