Public Overloads Function DeserializeSnippet( _ ByVal xmlReader As System.Xml.XmlReader, _ ByRef rootElementQName As System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName, _ Optional ByVal settings As LxReaderSettings _ ) As T
public T DeserializeSnippet( System.Xml.XmlReader xmlReader, out System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName rootElementQName, LxReaderSettings settings )
- xmlReader
- The System.Xml.XmlReader to read the XML data from
- rootElementQName
- Returns the qualified name of the root element, this is useful when the root element contains an xsi:type attribute as the returned class will represent a xs:complexType which is not bound to an element name. The value of rootElementQName can then be used in Serialize in order to re-construct the correct XML data.
- settings
- Settings to control how the data is de-serialized
Return Value
The de-serialized object, will be of type T or derived from it.