Liquid Technologies - Licensing Documentation
Licensing Overview / Reference / Manual Activation
In This Topic
    Manual Activation
    In This Topic

    If it was not possible to communicate directly with the Liquid license server, then you must forward the message manually.
    This is normally a very simple procedure.

    If the automatic activation processed failed then you should be looking at the Manual Product Activation dialog.

    Alternative Method 1 - Activation via a Web Browser

    Activate Automatically Via the Web

    If you have access to the web then this is the simplest way to activate your license.

    Activate Manually Via the Web

    Alternative Method 2 - Activation via E-Mail

    Activate Automatically Via the Email

    Use this procedure if you don't have web access, but have access to external email.

    Activate Manually Via the Email


    If you have any problems, then have a look a the Trouble Shooting Guide