XML Schema to C++ Demonstration
This video demonstrates generating a C++ object model from an XML Schema and using it to serialize and edit XML data in Microsoft Visual Studio.
What is XML Data Binding?
XML Data Binding enables you to load XML Documents into a strongly typed object model within your C++, Java or VB6 (COM) source code.
Meaning fewer coding errors, reduced development and testing time, and an increase in schema conformance and coding reliability.
Liquid XML Data Binder Features
- Generates an easy to use class library for C++, C#, Java, VB .Net, and Visual Basic 6 (COM).
- Generated HTML documentation for your class library API.
- Supports Smart Device platforms Android and iOS.
- Supports W3C XML Schema (XSD), XDR and DTD standards.
- Supports generating WCF Web Services from WSDL.
- Supports JSON serialization.
- Supports Fast Infoset binary XML serialization.
- Support for the most complex XML standards.
- Royalty free distribution of compiled code and runtime.
Liquid XML Objects
- New lightweight code generator for C# and Visual Basic .Net.
- Generate code directly from Microsoft Visual Studio.
- Replace xsd.exe with better XSD 1.0 support and adds support for XSD 1.1.
Advanced XML Code Generator
Strongly Typed Code
Liquid XML Data Binder creates simple, intuitive code from your XML Schema. The generated code library contains strongly typed classes, collections, and enumerations to create an intuitive custom API to code against. This massively reduces your coding time and allows you to concentrate on writing your Business logic code.
For example, if your schema has a 'Person' element with a 'DateOfBirth' attribute, then a class called Person will be generated, which will have a property called DateOfBirth. Making coding against the API nice and easy.
Customisable Code
The code generator includes a 'Schema to Object Mapping' tool which allows you to alter how class, property and variable names appear in the generated source code to fit your coding standards.
The generated output may also be modified within special 'Hand Coded Blocks', changes inside these blocks are persisted when the library is re-generated, allowing the library to be customised to fit the projects needs.
Intuitive Wizard User Interface
The Wizard User Interface allows you to quickly create XML Data Binding projects specific to your XML Schema and chosen programming language.
Once you have created a project file using the Wizard, you can then run this from the command line as part of your automated build process.
Support for Popular Coding Languages
Cross Platform C++
The library is platform neutral. The product ships with cross platform C++ libraries for 32 bit and 64 bit Windows and Linux, and is also successfully being used on various UNIX platforms, Solaris, Forte, HP-UX, embedded systems and other more obscure platforms using the C++ Runtime Source Code.
C# and Visual Basic .Net
100% native .Net package, the generated library can be used by all .Net languages and platforms: .Net Framework, .Net Core, .Net Standard, PCL (Silverlight, Windows Phone, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS)
Compiles to a single jar using a provided ANT build script. The resulting code can be used on java.
Visual Basic 6 (COM)
Allows COM Objects to be created, which can then be used from any COM compliant environment such as Delphi, Business Objects, and ASP.
Generates WCF Web Services
WCF Web Services binding code (C# and Visual Basic .Net) can be generated from a WSDL file or running Web Service, and the Web Client Interface may also be generated.
Generates HTML Documentation
A full set of HTML documentation can be generated describing the API for your source code, making getting to grips with the structure of your new library simple. This means your team will no longer have to spend hours referencing the XSD schema documents (some of which are huge for example, xCBL is almost 2Mb of schema). Instead developers can simply reference the hyper linked help generated specifically for your schema.
Supports Smart Device platforms
Supports Smart Device platforms Silverlight, Windows Phone, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS.
Supports JSON Serialization
Support for serialization using the JSON (standard ECMA-404) data interchange syntax (C++, C#, Java and VB .Net).
Supports Fast Infoset Binary XML Serialization
Support for serialization using the binary XML Fast Infoset (standard X.891) implementation of the W3C XML Information Set (C++, C# and VB .Net).
Unrivalled support for W3C XSD standard
Liquid XML supports an unprecedented quantity of the XSD standard, elements, complex and simple Types, meaning it will process complex XML schema that lesser products will not.
Industry standard schema that are used as Liquid XML test cases include:
- Dimensional Markup Language (DML)
- DocBook
- Financial products Markup Language (FpML 4)
- Health Level Seven (HL7)
- Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-7)
- OpenGIS
- Project Management XML (PMXML)
- QuickBooks (qbXML)
Try for yourself with any industry standard XSD - XML Standards Library.
Royalty Free Distribution
You pay for the development licences only, the compiled code library and associated Liquid Runtime library can be distributed to your customers royalty free as part of your product (see Licence Guide for full details).